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Effects of WWII

World War II had a definite impact on the United States. It changed how people lived and how other people were viewed. Not many people realize the treatment of people from our own country during World War II. Three groups of people that were affected were women, African Americans, and Japanese Americans. The lives of these people were changed drastically, whether by having to work, mistreatment because of skin color, or by being blamed for something that was done by a country they were native to.Prior to World War II, employers and the government held that there were jobs appropriate for women and jobs which were inappropriate because women were not capable of fulfilling the tasks involved in such work. As we discussed in class, some women had jobs and some stayed as housewives but women were always dependent on men. The War years gave the opportunity to not only women but to the whole nation to break away from this trend. In my notes it discusses that women really took this chance to prove themselves that they were every bit as capable as men in the traditionally male work place. Unfortunately, there were no long lasting effects on women’s status in the work force. Regardless of how competent women had proven themselves during the war in its aftermath they were not wanted in the male related jobs anymore. However, this did prove that women could do perform and gave them confidence. This helped spark a movement that would carry on and ultimately give women more rights. Though World War II somewhat helped women and gave them opportunities, it is hard to say the same for African Americans.African Americans were greatly affected by World War II. Many African Americans served their country with loyalty. They went on to war and fought, some even died for freedom. This freedom was something they really never truly had. African Americans were discriminated against even though they were serving their country. Like we dis...

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