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Some think that illegal aliens cannot receive welfare benefits, but they can, as a result of a provision known as PRUCOL (Permanently Residing Under the Color of Law). PRUCOL means a status that has the appearance of, but not the substance of, a legal right. This is not a status created by legislation, but one created by the courts. When an alien is designated as PRUCOL, it means that he/she technically has no right to be here, but is allowed to stay anyway. And, since the illegal alien is allowed to stay, he/she gets the same rights as if he/she were here legally. The exception is that a PRUCOL alien is not a legal permanent resident and may not apply for U.S. citizenship. This means that the PRUCOL alien may not sponsor the immigration of family members. Illegal aliens are legible for four federal programs; Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC); Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Medicaid, and Unemployment Insurance benefits. Each program determines for itself, which aliens it, considers meeting the PRUCOL criteria. In this way, the federal government uses taxpayers' money to subsidize illegal immigration. Many state governments follow the federal government's lead, and give benefits to PRUCOL aliens. Examples of illegal aliens who might qualify as PRUCOL include: - aliens who have been here for more than twenty years - aliens who have been granted stays of deportation by the courts - aliens who are not being deported because of U.S. citizen children - aliens whom, for political reasons, the government is not deporting. Illegal aliens and our allowing them welfare and other benefits of an American citizen is a major problem in society today. Not only are they affecting our economy in a negative way, but they are taking away job opportunities and health benefits that Americans are guaranteed because of our taxes. I believe that we have an obligation to help those in need, but I do not feel that illegal aliens...

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