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Dual Addictions

This research paper will focus on the concept of dual addiction specifically, that of alcohol addiction and simultaneous nicotine addiction. I should make note at this point of my personal interest in the addictive process is a result of the existence of addiction in my family. I have experienced and observed the chaos, hardships and tragedies in my family as a result of the progressive nature of the addiction process. First, I would like to provide a general definition of addiction. Addiction is the repetition of a behavior or behaviors in a habitual or obsessive manner in the face of continued or progressively worsening consequences. Twelve step programs have labeled it as a disease of the mind, body and spirit. There is a general consensus among those who are addicted that to stop or cease the addiction process is not a difficult task. It is the “staying stopped” or continued abstinence that constitutes the difficulty. Relapsing, unfortunately, is not uncommon among alcoholics and addicts. Addiction does not only include the use of mind altering substances such as alcohol, street drugs, and prescription drugs, but can include an addiction to gambling, sex, work and compulsive spending. All of these in the light of continued practice may result in the impairment of physical, emotional, occupational as well as personal relationships. It is also possible if not probable, that many individuals experience an addiction to two or more behaviors or substances. The abstinence from one addiction may result in the usage of another addictive substance or behavior. This has also been called the cross addiction, or dual addiction.There are many definitions of alcoholism, none of which is entirely satisfactory. For the purpose of this research paper, the alcoholic is best defined as someone whose drinking causes a continuing and growing problem in any aspect of his or her life, more specifically someone whose drinking is causing an i...

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