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Drug Abuse

Drugs Abuse occurs when a drug is taken for unintended purposes and can lead to addiction. Addiction occurs when a person must use the drug to feel and function normally. Addiction occurs in two types, physical and psychological. Physical addiction is caused the brain, the brain produces fewer chemicals or neurotransmitters to make up for the extra chemicals therefore the brain needs the chemicals from the drug to reach the correct balance and individual becomes out of touch with reality. Psychological addiction is much simpler, the individual simply likes the way a drug makes him/her feel and must have it, therefore becoming addicted. (Lawrence, F. 1996)Addiction has six steps. The first step is occasional use; a person takes his/her first drink or uses other drugs for the first time, and likes the way it feels and the way it reduces stress, the individual then starts using the drug in social settings.Step two is occasional trouble with drugs; a person shows mood swings or personality changes, they may experience blackouts, where they do not remember what was said or done.Step three is regular use of the drug; tolerance therefore increases and use of the drug can not be controlled and the individual denies having a drug problem.Step four is multiple drug use; drugs may be combined or switched for a new and stronger effect, the individual may then become a cross-addict or hooked on more than one drug.Step five is increasing dependency; the individual needs the drug to function and the drug no longer has the same effect. If the individual does not have the drug they will start shaking, feel sick, lose interest in school, family, or work.Step six is total dependency; the individual suffers from a major loss, such as getting thrown out of school, getting into a car accident, hospitalization, and they feel emotionally defeated. (Peele, S. 1997)Individuals that are addicted to drugs are likely to suffer from loss of appetite, loss of weigh...

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