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Down to FeministsHail to real women everywhere

Down to Feminists—Hail to Real Women Everywhere Equal opportunity, it’s such a standard policy these days. It was originally associated with the feminist movement with the simple intent to establish a level playing field. The “prima facia” of the phrase is idealistic, and at the least, the perpetual continuation of egalitarianism. Although these are both true, taking a look deeper into the contemporary application of the concept reveals anything but equality. As a woman, these so-called “feminists” appall me. Independence and success are possible for any person, regardless of gender. But to obtain it, you must take initiative as a human being—with all your personal strengths and weaknesses. But to some feminists, a whole new perspective is taken. When they represent the ideals of women in general, in reality, the only persons they are representing are “excuse makers”. The irony in their whole pledge against prejudices is the approach they take. In en effort to not admit biological differences between the sexes, they demand the opportunity to partake in anything. That is granted. In an effort to actually be capable in those opportunities they so desperately need to seek, they ask for leeway exceptions and loopholes. The question now arises, is society (more specifically, employers) under obligation to grant this outstretched request? If so, consideration of what this means is due. A woman wants equal opportunity. For example: a male dominated career field such as fire fighting began to allow women to apply. Isn’t that the true essence of equal opportunity? Simply allowing a woman to participate and have her chance, along side of any male? Indeed it is, but to many feminists the concept must dig deeper. That woman going through strength and ability tests to be a firefighter fails. But, instead of taking the experience in stride and accepting the idea that pe...

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