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Do you exist when you are asleep

Do you exist when you are asleep? There is something, this much I know for certain. However, what is our relationship to this something? As people, are we different to the general kind of matter? Are all people separate entities? What am I? These questions have long perplexed the philosophers of our many 'civilisations'. For three thousand years the search for answers has been documented and documented well. Every now and again a 'solution' may be thought to be found, and a civilisation will live in spiritual certainty for a few hundred years until a 'heretic' challenges societies views and brings around a revolution. This circle continues infinitely, and will never end because we being imperfect humans can never write a perfect statement based on the real world. We can say that we understand basic opposites, 1 and 0, black and white, something and nothing, but these concepts do not exist in the real world, perfection as a law cannot exist, and we can never be sure of imperfection (you can never exactly describe grey). One might say that a particle spins one of two directions (clockwise or anticlockwise) and that if it spins one way it cannot spin the other way, thus we may say that it must be one of the two (1 or 0 not 0.5). This represents definitive knowledge of the universe, but yet our science tells us that in fact in can be anything in between. The cynic may say that science can be wrong, and he would be justified to say so. However, I propose the following counterargument:If perfection exists it must be infinite or nothing in every way However we do not see everything as white or blackThus the system contains imperfectionsPerfection cannot exist when something imperfect existsWe know that imperfections existTherefore perfection does not existYet again the spirit of the cynic may haunt this essay. He will say 1+1=2.But I will beat him at his own game, proving that things that are imperfect (comprehensible by us) cannot describe ...

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