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Desirees Baby

 Being bi-racial was not an easy thing to be in the south during the early 1900's. In thestory, Desirees Baby, many situations occur that leave you wondering about how society isso unfair. The main characters are Desiree, Armand, the baby, and Desirees mother. During this period, some found it acceptable to leave a baby on the doorsteps of a familyto provide a chance for a better life. This was an important point in the story; when theMonsieur found the baby Desiree near the front gate, it would mean that Desiree wouldprobably never be aware of her biological parents ancestry. The chance a baby with bothparents would be dropped off is not likely, but was probable with a single mother. A singlemother knew there was little help to be found and the chances were short of a child having aproper upbringing socially and economically speaking. Desiree grew into a beautiful andgentle-hearted young woman and soon found a wealthy suitor asking for her hand. Thisyoung suitor had known of Desirees past but was in love and did not care of this seeminglyinnocent unknown factor of her past. This suitor, Armand Aubigny was racist and wretchedbut the young bride was in love and looked past his flawed character. The concept of youngArmand falling instantly in love after seeing Desiree standing by the gate is a bit suspiciousand sounds more like infatuation. The evil in Armand did not come from his parents and theblack employees were cheerful when he was growing up so it is an open question concerninghis acquired hatred. The blacks were cheerful while his father was alive but was not duringArmands strict management of the LAbri.. Armand had changed to a kinder man after hismarriage and the birth of his son and it may have been the only time in his life he was trulyhappy. The death of his mother while living in France when he was eight years old may havehad a negative effect on his character. The way Madame Valmonde described the LAb...

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