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Description of the Shubb Capo

Introduction- General Description The Shubb Capo is a simple mechanism that is used to bar the strings of any fretted, stringed instrument, on a certain fret therefore changing its key. The Capo consists of four major parts: the main frame (figure #3), containing the string bar and to which all of the other parts are connected, the neck brace (figure #2), which is the piece that secures the capo to the neck of the instrument, the pivoting lock mechanism (figure #1) that works with the locking screw, to force the neck brace to the back of the neck of the instrument, and the protective rubber arm (figure #4) that fits over the string bar to pad the fret board and strings to prevent marking (note: see diagram to match figure numbers). The four main parts that make up the Shubb Capo are: the main frame, the neck brace, the pivoting lock mechanism and locking screw, and the protective rubber arm. Description of Parts and Their Function The main frame is an approximately 4 inch long piece of chrome-plated copper that is .2 Inches wide and the same deep. The piece is bent to a curve at the approximate center point, to an internal angle of 70 degrees. The top part is the string bar, which bars the strings at a certain fret to change its key. The bottom part of the main frame is the piece to which the neck brace (fig. #2) and the pivoting lock mechanism (fig. #1) connect to with .4 inch by .2 inch chromed rivets.Neck Brace. The neck brace is another piece of chrome-plated copper, which is 1.9 inches long, .40 inches wide, and .10 inches deep. The purpose of the neck brace is to force the strings of the instrument down to the neck of the instrument by squeezing the strings and neck between the string bar and the neck brace. The neck brace is slightly curved along the top 1 inch of it to accommodate for the curve in the back of the neck of the instrument. On the curved part of the neck brace, there is a rubber pad, that is .3 inches wide, .9...

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