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Descartes Hobbes and Pascal

During the 17th and 18th century, religion, religious beliefs and most of all the religious leaders played a very influential role in the direction of politics. This was also atime when religion and politics played a large role in the direction of what was acceptedas a result of the new discoveries in the natural sciences and in a time when there weresome very influential writers, philosophers, scientists and mathematicians. At the time,these people were considered to be very radical and revolutionary because of some oftheir beliefs and this often times led them to be highly scrutinized, criticized andsometimes even punished by the legal system. Now in the 21st century, these views thatwere considered to be radical and even ridiculous at that time are now considered to bebrilliant revelations written by ingenious individuals. It would be very interesting to seehow some of these individuals would feel about the progress of the planet in which theyhelped to inspire and how they might feel about some more recent issues concerning thedirection of humanity in the late 20th century, as I shall further discuss in this paper.In this class we have discussed about many philosophical writers of the 17th and18th century and in this paper I shall discuss some of the opinions written about thefollowing document; Renee Descartes Discourse on Method (1637), Thomas HobbesLeviathan (1651), Blaise Pascals Thoughts (1670) and Jacques Bossuets Politics +Scriptures (1679).First I am going to talk about Renee Descartes and the subjects that he woulddiscuss at a dinner party hosted by me. Renee Descartes was the father of modernphilosophy, a great scientist and also a well known mathematician. He used theCartesian philosophy for his reasoning and in 1622, he wrote a great piece of literaturenamed Discourse on Method. In it, Descartes talks about the existence of the humanbeings and the existence of God. He gets himself to doubt everything and then a...

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