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Descartes First Meditation

Rene Descartes asserts that our most fundamental beliefs are uncertain, and consequently, all beliefs resting on these basics are also uncertain. In his First Mediation, he sets out to find and destroy all beliefs in order to eventually create a stable foundation in which all of these beliefs may rest. With such a concrete structure, the sciences and mathematics will finally have their axioms firmly grounded. Yet, destroying all beliefs individually is an impossible task; instead, by presenting reasonable doubt in the most basic of beliefs, beliefs from the senses and from understanding, Descartes will ultimately refute all thought supported by these basic beliefs.In his first argument, Descartes introduces beliefs derived from the five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound. From the outset, it may seem impossible to disprove sensory images like sitting by the fire, wearing a winter dressing-gown, holding this piece of paper. (13) Yet, Descartes does not need to explicitly disprove each of these statements; instead, showing a reasonable example of doubt will be enough to discredit these beliefs. Descartes introduces his argument with the notion that sensory beliefs constantly deceive us. For example, if a coin is hidden underneath a book, the coin is still exists, although we may be unable to sense it. However, he abandons this train of thought, as he claims that there are instances when such doubt in impossible. Holding a book, for instance, is a sensory belief that apparently seems to be certain.Instead, he argues that we can never be certain whether at this very moment, we are dreaming or awake. After all, dreams are indistinguishable from reality because during a dream, a person is unaware that he is dreaming. In fact, no single criterion has been established to distinguish between the conscious and a sleep like state. Consequently, since this very instance may be a dream, all beliefs based upon the sensory orga...

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