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Descarte and new science

The new view of the world comes from new developments in the sciences. The new views and developments contradicted some of the most fundamental ideas that were held in the world at the time. The philosophers associated with this new view of the world are Copernicus, Kepler, Bacon, Galileo, Descartes, Locke, etc. Copernicus tried to resolve the problems of the motions of the planets by placing the sun as the center of the earth. He did make it simpler however, it wasnt until Newton who cleaned it up and answered some of the key questions that riddled the Copernican theory. Math became one of the fundamental properties of the world. Math was considered to be the most certain and to be the foundation of all truths. The appeal to sense perception was limited because there were sometimes reasons that the sensory perceptions were not too accurate (i.e. stick in the water). The new method was to make careful observations with math, ignore metaphysical claims, and apply math to all primary qualities (size, shape, motion).Scholasticism was the old view that was started around 200 BC. Scholastics used reason and theology to make their claims. The churchs influence during this period was very important because only views that complemented the church were allowed. The churchs influence was very strong and scared many philosophers, and many of them skewed their writing so not to call attention to their writing, including Descartes. Syllogism was widely used the structure of argumentation. Other than that, the appeal to common sense reason was very important feature of the time. Everything that they thought was relative to them.In Descartes Discourse on the method for Rightly conducting ones own reason and for seeking truth in the sciences, he makes it clear that philosophy as he knows it is built on a very weak foundation. He makes this conclusion because of the new finding and contradictions from other philosophers as Galileo, Kepl...

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