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Debating Immagration

Immigration is the movement of people into another nation with the intention of living After a four centuries of immigration have passed and people have moved from region to region, the breeding of different races has caused there to be over two thousand different races. The social construction of stereotypes has a far greater impact on race. This is what leads to discrimination and finally unequal treatment and even hatred among immigrants of all shades of skin pigment.Like the history of past colonists who migrated to the USA started in the early 1600's, most modern day immigrants are motivated to relocate far from their original homes for the desire to improve their economic situation. These people are known as economic immigrants, who resettle in other countries such as USA in search of jobs, farmland, or business opportunities.Americans often view immigration as a problem, even though the USA has been shaped by immigrants. Born Americans often look down on new immigrants. Facts from the Encarta Encyclopedia states, "Immigrants are frequently targets of criticism, especially when the new arrivals come from a different country, rather then to be already among the established community. The vast majority of immigrants coming to the USA have come in search of jobs and the chance to create a better life for themselves and their families. In all of American history, less than ten percent of immigrants have come for political or religious reasons" (Encarta Encyclopedia). American's do expect immigrants to absorb the benefits and standards of American society, but most of them do maintain some of there cultural heritage, language, and religious practices. In the USA they have born native citizens that choose what to believe in and practice. American Born citizens also believe in and practice differently then the rest of the American society, so why does the situation get slammed on immigrants when the participate in these acti...

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