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Death of a criminal

Crimes are committed everyday. Many people are caught, while many arenot. In the United States Of America, when a person kills anotherperson he/she is considered a murderer. The instant the murder takes place,all rights should automatically be revoked. Murderers should not beallowed to walk the streets. Once a person has killed, there should be nochance it could happen again. Convicted murders should be given thedeath penalty and have it carried out at once. The death penalty is acontroversial sentence. Not every one feels the same way, but Ibelieve that, in America, the death penalty for murderers is beneficialto the economy and it's a punishment that fits the crime. Anti-death penalty supporters argue the death penalty isunconstitutional and that capital punishment is a barbaric remnant of anuncivilized society. It is immoral in principle, and unfair anddiscriminatory in practice. It assures the execution of some innocentpeople. As a remedy for crime, it has no purpose and no effect(American Civil Liberties Union National Office 2-16-95)." In 1972, the supreme court in Furman v. Georgia ruled that the deathpenalty for murder was unconstitutional. They also argue that thedeath penalty costs too much to carry out (Academic AmericanEncyclopedia Capital Punishment). Yet, in 1976, The Supreme Court in Gregg V. Georgia declared the deathpenalty for murder is constitutional (AAE Capital Punishment). Thedeath penalty is also fair and serves its justice. Surveyed policechiefs and sheriffs choose the death penalty as a primary method tocombat violent crime (Montgomery 2-25-95). It cost less in the long runas well. It is a lot better to get rid of the scum then to feed,clothe, and shelter them. How does the economy benefit from the death penalty? First of all, theAmerican economy has enough problems as it is. The government is tryingto cut spending left and right. State and Federal Prisons areovercrowded. What do these prisons have to do with...

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