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Death in Life

Alfred Lord Tennyson, a Victorian poet, used characters from history and mythology for his poetry. Much of his poetry touches upon the subject of death and loneliness. For example, the Lady of Shallot dies when she looks beyond her inner world, Mariana lives in constant sadness over her departed lover, and Tithonus lives forever in an agony worse than death. With a background of melancholia, isolation or anguish Tennyson conveys themes of half-life and death-in-life by the use of uses imagery, symbolism and figures of speech. In the dramatic monologue Tithonus, Tennyson instructs the reader that immortality is not necessarily a desirable thing as Tithonus tries to convince Aurora to make him mortal again. In the poem, Tithonus asks Aurora to grant him immortality, which she does. Although in actual mythology Zeus grants immortality, it is immortality and not eternal youth that Tithonus receives. Therefore, he now withers slowly with a fate worse than death since many jealous gods beat me down and marred and waste me. Tithonus presents the natural cycle of life followed by death by describing how first, Man comes then he tills the fields and finally lies beneath. However, his cruel immortality prevents him from following the same pattern. The rhetorical question, Why should a man desire in any way/To vary from the kindly race of manas is most meet for all? indicates his realization of the absurdity in asking for immortal life. His wish to be immortal like the gods can be interpreted as alluding to Adam and Eves desire for the knowledge of God. Anyway, as a soft air fans the clouds apart (personification), Tithonus sees the dark world to which he belongs. Tithonus uses much imagery as he recalls those days of youth when he felt my blood/Glow with the glow that slowly crimsond all, experienced kisses balmier than half-opening buds/Of April, and Auroras rosy shadows bathe[d] him. At once he wishes to be one of those happy men with the pow...

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