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Dangerous Delusions

For the most part, the American peoples views are greatly formed by what the media shows. In addition, most of what the media gives the people is propaganda. In the article, Theories of an Ignorant Arab-Islamic Culture Only Sere to Broaden Dangerous Delusions, by Rime Allaf, states that America is not the sleeping giant like it was so called during World War II but the people are dormant and arrogant to realize what is really going on.The US government has been extremely active in international affairs for many years now using the tax dollars of the American people. However, unknown to the people the dollars have been used in the most bewildering political scenarios and towards the most brutal injustices (Allaf 1). However, he does not state what the money really has been used for making his statement vague and unconvincing.But to some the terrorist attacks in no way are related to what the US government used their spending on. The result of Islams jealousy of the West, of the poor peoples envy of rich America. (1). This means that 6,000 peoples lives were wasted just because the Islam people were jealous of the rich American people. Even President George W. Bush stated that attackers cant stand the freedom and what he said was not challenged by anyone (1). Not just political powers think this. CBS anchor Dan Rather, on his recent appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, stated that the Middle East felt angry because they see themselves as the worlds losersThey see us, we have everything. We in everythingThey hate us for who and what we are. Nevertheless, with these statements made by important people in society, resentment forms. The American people are lead to believe these most absurd claims by some of the most noticeable people that the American people look up to for guidance (1-2). So these messages lead even farther that for the people to believe that the terrorists speak for the complete Islamic community. ...

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