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Society shows concern/obligation for rehabilitation. The death penalty is an irreversible process.Obligation of society to rehabilitate and we value this step so highly. It would be unjust not to allow for this process. Also, innocent people can be and have been put to death because of the death penalty. While the numbers of innocent people killed in the ancient days and other countries around the world amount to unbelievably high numbers, in the United States court system alone, 23 people sentenced to capital punishment were later found innocent and 300 people on death row were found innocent. Also, society values innocence very highly as one is innocent until proven guilty and feels that "it is better for five criminals to go free than for one innocent to be killed"Death penalty appeals expensiveFound that all of the money spent on appeals, which are much more likely to continue to the Supreme court in cases of capital punishment, cost tax payers an enormous about of money. It is unjust to inflict these additional charges to people. Hypocritical because it murders people to show murder is wrongMurder is wrong. State sanctioned murder is even worse.Unevenly distributedIt has been shown that people who are poor, male, and black/Hispanic are much more likely to receive the death penalty.Jail is sufficient. The death penalty is cruel and unusual because it oversteps lineIn jail, people can not harm society because criminals are isolated and the punishment is doing the same thing capital punishment does without the taking the person's life. Jail follows guidelines for punishments making the extra step of the death penalty unjust, cruel, and unusual.Capital Punishment does NOT deter crime.Statistics have not that the death penalty deters crime. "It is a fact that a large percentage of murders are committed in the heat of passion, when the murderer is not in a position to reason; fear of the law plays no part at allthere will als...

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