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CubaCuban Missile Crisis

Thousands of minuscule ripples protrude from the vast Atlantic Ocean. The sun, old in its day and weary of shining down upon the blue green sea begins to set. Almost as if to save the best for last, a brilliant mirage of orange and red color is cast upon the busy waves. Nowhere on this planet is this image captured so brilliantly as in the Caribbean, and nowhere on the earth is such a surreal scene captured daily. This heaven on Earth is a painters paradise, a travel agents dream, and a honeymooner utopia. For as far back as man can remember, numerous competitive countries have sought after this Shangri-La. Whether for their views, climate, people, or numerous crops, the scattered islands that inhabit the Caribbean area have been widely contested for centuries. Perhaps the one individual country with the most relevant recent history in relation to the United States occupying this region is Cuba. Since Cubas revolution in the early 1900s the United States has economically controlled the country with our capitalistic ideals. From 1900 to 1955, the United States utilized Cuban imports to fuel our consumer society. The islands economy became so tightly intertwined with Americas that we would stop at nothing to disallow new leadership from coming in, and ruining our capitalist network of profiteers from owning exports of copper, silver, and sugar. In and around 1956, Fidel Castro led a revolutionary uprising against a corrupt government in place directly under American rule. When America placed a severe embargo on Cuba, and its new leadership, Castro had no choice but to call upon the USSR for financial and military aid. In September 1960, United States Eisenhower approved a plan for exiled Cuban, anti V communist revolutionaries, funded by the US to attack Cuba, and hopefully ignite a revolt that would eventually overthrow Castro. The infamous Bay of Pigs incident left thousands of soldiers captured, and the United States government ext...

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