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Corruption in the workplace

Corruption in the workplace is a tremendous problem in todays society. It can affect everyone from managers to clerks. It occurs in many forms, some much more common than others. Corruption can be found everywhere from the Government to McDonalds, and in every country of the world.Greg Abrams, an employee of ASI Services of south Tampa provided great insight into the problem. He feels corruption in the workplace definitely occurs. Greg often sees signs of nepotism, unequal application of rules, failure to properly inform employees when a difference in pay occurs in contracted employees, failure to establish a sense of mutual loyalty, and many forms of favoritism. The employee feels no loyalty towards the company and the company feels no loyalty towards its employees, says Greg. He feels it prevents upward mobility of people with higher qualifications and promotes those who dont. It generally breeds a bit of descent, said Greg. He believes that outside of the legal arena, it is doubtful the problem will ever be solved. Your talking about human nature, its unlikely people will modify their habits willingly, Greg stated.Steve Brown, an employee of Verizon believes that corruption does occur, but mostly in large companies. He has seen such extreme signs such as stealing, and even a manager and employee conducting drug deals. He feels corruption can greatly affect productivity. When it occurs in management, people become unreliable. They tend to not show up on time for their shift, and teamwork becomes increasingly difficult, says Steve. He thinks that when corruption does occur it is hard to resolve, but he believes better pre-employment screening would lessen the problem greatly.As far back as jobs have existed corruption has occurred. The most common forms are favoritism and selective enforcement of the rules. Corruption can also cause tension among employees and can greatly reduce the effectiveness of teamwork. It affects ones pay, pr...

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