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Correlational Paper

How do ones social surroundings effect their views on alcohol and drugs? Through a correlational study I hope to find out in what ways students are effected by their surroundings, and if it is truly this that makes them do things or if it is their own will. For example, say as aFreshman Johnny feels that partying is bad and he never wants to do it. By finding out why he feels this way and what types of activities he isinvolved in the research will be able to correlate that with the way he feelsabout partying 2-3 years later. From this research we may be able to finda correlation and therefore determine how people will react in the future. This would prove helpful as an aide to let faculty know why views change andways in which they can prevent change (or encourage it).By surveying students in their third and fourth year in college I willbe able to see if their is a correlation between how the type of person theywere and how they felt their freshman year about alcohol and drugs. I willthen compare it to whether or not they currently use alcohol and drugs, andsee if there is a correlation. Previous research has shown that a subjectsvulnerability in early years has lead to later use of alcohol and drugs. Themediator variable would include this and it would also include the idea thatthe participants confidence their freshman year may have influenced thefact that they felt secure in choosing to use alcohol and drugs.A way of measuring the constructs of a correlation is bypredetermining the boundaries. For example, in the first part of the surveythe participant would be asked how many times a week they engaged in socialactivities, such as parties, at the end of their senior year of high school. Inthe second part of the survey the participant would be given the samequestion only pertaining to now. With these two answers, along with the restof the information, one may be able to find a correlation between the two.Simple random sampli...

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