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Throughout the Clinton years the government has tried to make NATO expansion look like a risk free operation. But the truth is that there are many risks and dangers thatgo with the expansion of NATO. It has been said that the expansion of NATO would bea fatal error in the American policy. As NATO expands it is drawing an imaginary dividing line separating the manyNATO nations from the Ukraine, Russia and other countries in the eastern half of theworld. The goal should be to settle things between Russia by joining with them andmaking good relationships with them economically, militarily, and politically. This wasdone between the U.S. and Germany after World War II to end the threat betweenGermany and its neighbors. Why shouldnt we do it now. But as NATO expands thedividing line grows darker and darker between these nations. Since the Cold War era thegoal has been to reduce nuclear weapons in Russia. But as NATO expands it scaresRussia, who thinks to compete with NATO the only thing they can do is put emphasis onnuclear weapons. Russias economy is no where near the strength of the United Stateswhich drives them to depend on nuclear weapons. It is the cheapest way for them tocompete with us. Russia has always and will continue to have a great fear of foreigninvasion as long as NATO expands. As NATO expands it sends fear into Russia thatNATO is increasing in domination in former Soviet territories. As NATO expands itonly will hurt any good relations that the United States has with Russia.There are also many economic setbacks in the expansion of NATO. Many of thenations will have to spend great amounts of money to modernize their militaries to theNATO standards. Many of these countries cannot afford expenses like that. It would justsend small nations economies into the ground causing the needed economic reforms to bethat much more difficult to achieve. One example of this is the Czech Republic that isreceiving pressure fr...

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