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Conditional and Iterative Data Types

A programming language cannot be a programming language with out its conditional and iterative structures. Programming languages are built to accomplish the task of controlling computer input and output. A programmer must use every tool available to complete his/her given tasks, and conditional as well as iterative statements are the most basic items of programming which must be mastered. Many different programming languages can demonstrate conditional and iterative statements including C++, Java, Pascal, Qbasic, COBOL, and Scheme. Most of these languages implement conditional and iterative statements in a similar fashion; however, there are a few differences.The conditional structure is easy to understand and self-defining. The whole statement is base on a condition and its veracity. When the statement or "test" is found to be true, a statement is executed, and if it is false, another test is given or the program continues to the next block. Conditional structures include the simple, two-alternative, multi-alternative, and non-deterministic conditional. The simple conditional is the easiest to understand being the IF-THEN statement. if *Boolean expression* then *block of statements* IF a condition is met THEN execute a statement. The two-alternative conditional or IF-ELSE is also easy to understand.if *Boolean expression* then *block of statements*else*block of statements* IF a condition is met execute a statement; ELSE the condition was not met so execute a different statement. The multi-alternative conditional is very close to the two-alternative conditional. if *condition-1* then*statement-block-1*elseif *condition-2* then*statement-block-2*Kelseif *condition-n* then*statement-block-n*[else *statement-block-(n+1)*] end ifThe IF question is asked about a statement, and if it is not true, the next statement is examined. If statement number two is not true, the next statement is examined; then the next statement is exami...

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