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Concentration and Death Camps

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis found their only handicap in gaining total world power. In Hitlers mid, his problem was the Jews and inferior races in Germany. Hitler was a man that would do whatever it took to accomplish his goal. So he planned a night of chaos which later became known as Kristallnacht. He blamed this terrifying night on the Jews and immediately they were exported to concentration and death camps. In these camps, Jews were tortured beyond belief and treated as if they were wild animals. The Nazis did everything in their power, that was inhumane to punish and kill the Jews. Because of the torture and medical experiments conducted by doctors and SS officers, concentration and death camps have gone down in history as the most inhumane and depraved places conceived by man.In Germany, the Nazis established concentration camps almost immediately after assuming power on January 30, 1933. February of 1933, a decree removed the constitutional protection against arbitrary arrest. Immediately following these arrests, these people would be sent by train to designated concentration and death camps(concentration 1). There were three types of prisoners that were taken into these camps: politicals, asocials, and inferior races. The politicals consisted of communists, social democrats, and Jehovahs witnesses. The asocials were habitual criminals, and sex offenders. And finally, the inferior races were made up of Jews and Gypsies(Meltzer 28). These concentration camps were designed by Hitler to hold people in protective custody. However, the true function of the concentration camps was to eliminate every form of active or potential opposition(Meltzer 27). These camps were stationed all over Europe. There were four main concentration camps: Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, Plaszow, and Landsberg. Each of these camps approximately contained 25,000 people. Bookkeeping was done at each camp. Millions of Jews were processed through each...

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