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CompareContrast GoreBush

The United States is in a very unusual situation right now as most people know. We stillhavent come up with a president. The effects of the candidate we elect for our next presidentmay change my life and may not. If Bush is elected, everything I believe and stand up for willstay the same. I really hope he will become the next president because he will ensure theprotection of my rights. If Gore were elected as our next president, my life could seriously beeffected. There are several issues that Gore supports that I am very much against. His beliefs onabortion and agriculture are a couple of issues I strongly disagree with, but the main one that Iwant to address in this essay is the topic of gun control. First of all, I would like to state a few things about myself and my background. I wasraised on a farm and lived there my whole life. Both of my parents and there families havealways liked to hunt. I started hunting when I was about 12 years old. My dad owns close totwenty guns. My grandpa owns about thirty guns and I have an uncle who owns around twentyguns also. I myself own three guns and both of my brothers own three guns. There arent manythings my family and I would rather do than go out hunting. We wouldnt be able to do thiswithout guns.If Gore were elected to be our president there would be a big chance that we would alllose our guns. He wants to put so many restrictions on buying and selling guns that it would bevirtually impossible to get one. Now he may or may not be able to accomplish that, but he willsurely push the issues during his whole presidency until he gets his way. Even with a Republicanlegislature, it can happen. Clinton succeeded in pushing a couple laws through Congress dealingwith gun control. They might not have been all that big of a deal to us, but it is a start for theDemocrats. If Clinton could do it, whos to say Gore cant do the same. Gore thinks that gunsare the cause of all ...

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