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Communication is structure

Communication is structure In collapsible corporations, communication is the dynamic structure between the individual members that shapes and guides the progress and actions of the people. It is the communication that coordinates and not formal written procedures. The success of dynamic organizational forms such as collapsible corporations is inversely related to the quantity and quality of communication between members around the world. Problems arise when communication slows or stops and progress is taken for granted- requiring hypercommunication to achieve subsequent residual recovery of right direction. Problems are just uncommunicated differences- in actions and expectations. (used 10/22/00This intense deliberate communication is itself a transaction cost- it needs working hard at and may not always be business- you provide deliberate opportunities to other people in the collapsible corporation to explain and notify about problems- but naturally they do not actually arise every time members communicate. But the benefits from avoidance of misunderstanding achieved from effective and honest ongoing inter-personal communication- facilitated by technology tools such as the Net- make such dynamic organizations possible and also prevent greater, later costs incurred from error correction.Of course the communication needs to be timely and truthful for it to be valuable- it needs to be proactively stated, discussed, openly, honestly and fully disclosed.For remote communications, the use of Internet email, fixed and in particular mobile telephones is often prolific. There should be regular broadcast news and information in the form of say email messages updating members around the world on how the business is doing and latest developments. Informal discussion of this news, plus the formal emails kept different people in different places up to date with these moves. This kept people in different time zones in touch with the same informatio...

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