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Cockfighting vs Commercial Meat Chicken Production

Cockfighting involves the pitting of two gamecocks in a fight, sometimes to the death. It is an activity that is illegal in most of the United States and is a quickly vanishing part of our culture. The sport is usually found revolting by most people in mainstream society, but has thousands of devotees nonetheless. Those involved in the sport of cockfighting are very dedicated to their pastime despite it's rejection by the majority of Americans. Cockfighting is considered cruel and brutal by most people.However, the commercial chicken industry slaughters millions of chickens every day to provide food throughout the world. Although vegetarians consider the consumption of chicken to be morally wrong, the majority of people in our culture find it to be a normal activity. Cockfighting is not as cruel and brutal then raising and slaughtering chickens for their meat.Cockfighting is not cruel in any way. All male domestic fowl reach an age when they attain sexual maturity and the courage to fight. Gamecocks are not entered into cockfights until they are at least two years old. On the other hand, meat chickens have been genetically developed to grow quickly enough to be slaughtered at six weeks of age. If the gamecock was not bred in the first place, he would never have the opportunity to reach his courage day, which the meat chicken never lives to.The will to survive is a natural instinct. Anyone that has seen chickens at a processing plant get killed knows that the chickens are terrified. However, fighting is something that comes natural to a gamecock. Anyone that has seen chickens at a processing plant get killed knows that the chickens are terrified, but the gamecock delights in the battle and is not scared of his opponent. The chickens in a slaughtering plant do not want any part in the process, but the gamecock fights due to his own natural instincts. Gamecocks are given the very best of care. On the other hand, meat chi...

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