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Clara Barton

Clara Barton, known as an American humanitarian, the Angel of the Battlefield, and known for being the American Red Cross founder accomplished many things during her life. Throughout her long commitment ofservice, Clara achieved honor as a teacher, battlefield nurse, lecturer, andfounder of the American Red Cross. Through her many years of work, Claramade a huge impact on America that can still be felt at present times. Clara was born Clarissa Harlowe Barton on Christmas Day of 1821 inNorth Oxford, Massachusetts. Her father, Captain Stephen Barton, and mother,Sarah Barton, raised her on a farm along with her two brothers, David andStephen, and two sisters, Dorothy, and Sally. Most of Claras education camefrom learning from her brothers and sisters; they were all older than her, so theyhad acquired a lot of information to share with her. Dorothy taught herspelling, Stephen helped her to understand arithmetic, she learned geographyfrom Sally, and became more athletic with the coaching of David. With the vastinterest her family gave into educating her, at age four Clara could already spellmulti-syllable words. Her early education set the pace for her to achieveacademic success in formal schooling. . In addition to getting a good start in academics, Clara also exhibited theskills it takes to be a nurse as a child. When Clara was young, she played makebelieve as a nurse and nursed pets back to help if they got hurt or were ill. Atage eleven, Clara received real life training as a nurse when one of her brotherstragically fell off the roof of their barn and needed Clara to take care of him fortwo years. Claras mom also contributed to Claras ability to perform nursingduties by focusing more on teaching her the art of cleanliness and how to do thebasic responsibilities of a woman such as how to sew, cook, and make soap.Clara, influenced by her sisters who were already teachers, began the firstpart of her career by becoming a teacher...

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