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Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Many families were so poor during the Industrial Revolution time period that they had to send their children to work also. Women and children made very low wages compared to men. Childlabor was at its peak during this time.The youngest children in the textile factories were usuallyemployed as scavengers and piecers. Children at the age of five andsix would work sometimes up to eighteen hours a day underdangerous conditions at factories.ScavengersScavengers had to pick up the loose cotton from under themachinery. This was extremely dangerous as the children wereexpected to carry out the task while the machine was still working.They would also would have to take a brush and sweep under thewheels. The younger children were very terrified of the whirlingmotion of the machines and the loud noises. They were often veryjerky and were injured frequently. The children would inhale dustand fumes from under the machine which half suffocated them.Their backs constantly ached from bending over all day, but if theyever tried to rest of sit down they were severely beaten andwhipped.PeicersThe peicers, either boys or girls, walk along the machine as itmoves back and forth, catching up the broken threads and skillfullyputting them back together. They also would have to clean oil anddust from under the machines. These children were constantly inmotion. The quickness of the machines gave them no time to stopand rest even for a few seconds.Children who were late for work were severely punished. Theywould also have money deducted from their wages. Time-keepingwas also a problem for families who could not afford to buy a clock.In most factories workers weren't allowed to wear watches. This ishow they kept their workers for such long hours and giving themsuch little wages. Most workers arrived at 5:00 A.M. and didn'tleave until 10:00 P.M. The masters would often put the clockforward in the morning and back at nig...

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