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Child Idenity through Adolescents

As a child grows into their adolescent years the role his or her peers play in their life During the adolescent years children form an identity that is greatlyinfluenced by their peers; as they identify less with their parents. The ways in which anadolescent identify better with his or her peers as opposed to their parents are evident inthe distinct areas of their communication and dependency for emotional support. Theseareas greatly influence the answer to the question, Who am I? that is answered duringadolescence.Teenagers report feeling closer to friends than with their parents during the yearsof adolescence. One reason is because it is much easier for teens to converse freely withtheir friends than with their parents. Despite the experience of their parents teenagers aremore likely to believe what their friends believe. Adolescents are more readily ask for andaccept advice from peers, who, in their opinion, are in the same position themselves(Lingren 1). Many factors in a persons family play a part in the individual seeking emotionalsupport from their peers. Stress caused by work. marital dissatisfaction, divorce,entering a step-family arrangement, lower family income all produce increased individualand family stress (Lingren 2). This produces a need for emotional support from someoneoutside of the family. Friends talk to each other about various problems that theyencounter providing emotional support for each other. They[adolescents] reduce timespent on homework and withdraw from family interactions but they protect time spentwith friends (Lingren 2). This is evidence that adolescents value the time spent withfriends more than time spent with their parents. Throughout adolescence a persons life is greatly influenced by the people that theychoose to be around. An adolescents identity is affected the most by their friends. As thechild becomes an adult he or she becomes more distant form their parents as they form ani...

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