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Character of Malvolio in Twelfth Night

In William Shakespeares Twelfth Night we encounter several interesting The character I found to be most interesting and most different from the others was Malvolio. Malvolio is the servant of Olivia. Although he belongs to the servant class, he believes strongly that he is better than the individuals that he serves. Malvolio often takes it upon himself to try to discipline others when Olivia is not around. For example he even takes it upon himself to discipline Sir Toby, his social superior. Malvolio appears to be a dedicated worker. Most of the time Olivia seems to appreciate the solemn dignity with which he carries out his duties, however, the others find him arrogant and regard him as an enemy. Malvolio, like Rosalind in As You Like It is in disguise. He pretends to be a Puritan. He dresses in black and never laughs. Throughout the movie we never see a smile on his face. This however, is merely a disguise that he assumes, that allows him to criticize others. Under his black garments, lies a heart filled with vanity. He often daydreams that Olivia will marry him and as a result he will become her equal. He imagines himself wearing fine clothes and jewelry. He would then have command of the household, and he would then be able to get revenge on those who havent treated him respectfully. I find it ironic that Malvolio is more successful at fooling himself than he is at deceiving others. The other members of the household see through Malvolios hypocritical nature. Even Olivia, who seems to value Malvolio as a servant, says he is sick of self love, Act 1, Scene I, line 92). Though others can see through him, Malvolio fools himself completely. Maria says, he believes that all that look on him love him(Act II, sc.iii, l.152). He is sure that some accident of luck has caused a man as fine as him to be born a servant rather than a master. He believes that fortune will eventually correct that mistake. Malvolio's self de...

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