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Character Analysis The Fall of the House of Usher

In Edgar Allan Poes, The Fall of the House of Usher, the three characters are the unknown narrator, the narrators old time friend Roderick Usher, and Rodericks sister Madeline Usher. The three characters are unique people with distinct characteristics,but they are tied together bythe same type of mental disorder. They all suffer from insanity but they each respond to itdifferently. Roderick and his sister seem to have a spiritual attatchment, and the narrator beginsto get sucked into it.The narrator is called for help by his old time friend Roderick Usher. There is a splitfeeling in the narrators mind between the rational and the supernatural. When he first arrives tothe house, he sees a face in the tarn, a split crack in the house and the double image of his ownface on the image of the house. Unlike Roderick, the narrator appears to be a man of commonsense. He seems to have a good heart in that he comes to help a friend from his boyhood. Beingeducated and analytical, he observes that his friend Roderick has a mental disorder. The narratortries to find scientific explanations for what Roderick senses, but when he cant find one, hecriticizes Roderick for his fantasies, and claims that Roderick is enchained by certainsuperstitious impressions in regard to the dwelling which he tenated. The narrator tries hishardest to help but he cant because he doesnt understand what is going on. The more he getsinvolved, the closer he gets to being part of Rodericks hysteria: Rationally Ushers conditionterrified, it infected me....I felt creeping upon me, by slow yet uncertain degrees, the wildinfluence of his own fantastic yet impressive superstitions. As time went by Roderickscondition worsened and so did the narrators. When Roderick finally discovers that heprematurely buried his sister Madeline, his condition reaches its peak , destroys him mentally,and causes the narrator to leave the house in absolute terror.Roderick Usher, the head...

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