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Change Innovation and Stress

We are addressing how different people react and deal with different situations. In todays business world there are four basic personality types. They are Dominance, Influence, Conscientiousness and Steadiness. Dominant people shape their environments by overcoming opposition. Influential people get things done by influencing or persuading parts of their environments. Conscientiousness people work within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. Finally steady people are the classic team players. They work with others to carry out assigned tasks. We will be looking at the following situations: behaviors in stressful situations, acceptance of change, and plans for success and innovation.The first area to address is behaviors in stressful situations. Some personality styles are better suited at dealing with these situations than others. Influential people have difficulty managing stress due to the following factors. One is their inability to properly prioritize. Another trait that causes difficulty is the tendency to not take a logical approach to situations. These tend to cause even more stress. Dominant people tend to create stress for others by holding everyone to high standards and expecting immediate results. They also try to accomplish many things on their own. They would do well to pace themselves and set realistic expectations of others. Also they need to learn to work better with people. Conscientiousness people have little tolerance for conflict. One would think that this would cause conflict and stress. However due to their analytical methods for accomplishing things, they tend to reduce the feeling of stress in situations. Steady people are very consistent in their habits. They require conditioning before they can openly accept change. However once this happens, they will work with the group towards the common goals. One way to reduce stress is to be more accepting of change. All people react differently to chan...

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