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Cell Phone Regulations

The wireless communications industry is perhaps matched only by the personal computer field in the rate at which new products and features are being introduced to the marketplace. What was once a novelty, used primarily by businesses, has now become commonplace among the masses. Today, cellular phones are owned by more than 114 million Americans according the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association reports . One of the advantages of having a cellular/mobile phone is that time spent commuting, caught up in traffic and traveling could now be productive. In addition, it increases the sense of security for people driving alone or concerned about vehicle breakdowns.The extensive growth in the wireless communications industry over the past ten years has been accompanied by growing concern for the potential hazards of drivers using wireless devices in moving vehicles. Safety regulators are worried that talking on the cell phone is just another distraction that must be added to the list of distracting factors while driving such as the listening or adjusting the radio, looking in the mirror, or eating. In response to concerns voiced by some public officials and members of the general public, some legislations have been enacted and others have proposed.HistoryCellular telephones were introduced in 1983 but there has been some dramatic changes in the cellular industry since then. Phones have gone from being heavy, cumbersome, and expensive to being compact, lightweight, and inexpensive. It was inevitable that cellular phones would find its way to the hands of drivers in vehicles.Previous studies had been done on the effects of distractions on the ability to drive. Along with these studies that showed distractions can impair the ability to drive and new studies that were initiated to examine the effects of cell phone use on drivers , media coverage on accidents and fatal collisions involving cell phones, public officials began...

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