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Causes of WWII

There are many thoughts of how World War II started, and in fact most of them are true. Hundreds of little problems led upto what the world knows as the one of the most deadly of allwars. From strong minded politicians, to poor economicsituations, World War effected just about everyone in the world. Times were hard, people were unhappy about the end of World WarI, and many governments were left in shambles. The world onceagain was a ticking bomb or unhappy people. Ultimately, it wasso many unhappy people that led to World War II. The first obvious reason for the start of World War II, isthat the powers of countries were very ambitious. This ambitionled to a strong rise of Nationalism in their respectivecountries. The main problem with the ambition was that it wasspread throughout the world. From Japan, to Italy, andultimately to Adolf Hitler in Germany. These leaders onlyclaimed to make time for their countries better. Their intentwas for something more. They were looking for more and morepower. This led to immediate conflicts with other nations.Economic conditions was also another step to the beginningof WWII. The ambitious leaders were in their positions due topeople wanting a better country. The idea of a stronger andpowerful country made the poverty stricken citizens want theambitious leaders in office. The poverty that stretchedthroughout the world after WWI, also made the world want to bemade into a better place. People were looking to these powerfulpeople for survival. The leaders that they were putting intopower, acted as though they were going to help the general publicget back on track.The weak governments in Western Europe were extremelyinfluential in the start of the war. As new politicians werebeing elected the country began to rebuild. Production began togo up, and people became happy again. Once this began to occur,the new and extremely powerful leader really began to take thereins. Alliances betwee...

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