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Catcher Diagram

There are six parts to a plot of a book. These are theexposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action,and resolution. Im sure there is no set way to diagramThe Catcher in the Rye, but I believe the following isaccurate.In the very beginning of The Catcher in the Rye, weare given some background information on the setting andsituation, and of course Holden Caulfield, the protagonist. We learn that Holden attends Pencey Preparatory, an elitecollege preparatory school in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. There is also Holdens brother D.B., who we are notintroduced to but are given some information about him. D.B. is a writer who moved to Hollywood with all thephonies, as Holden called them. This disclosure of vitalbackground information is called the exposition.Next, we are told the conflict which is that Holden isbeing expelled from Pencey because of his very poor grades. Although he is supposed to leave in a few days, Holdendecides to leave early and venture to New York City. Sincehis parents are under the impression he will be home onWednesday and not Saturday, Holden has to fend for himselfin New York City for a few days without much money.The rising action is the part of the book that beginswith the onset of the conflict up until the climax. Duringthe rising action, many events occur. Holden leaves Penceyand takes a train to New York City. During this part of thebook, the infamous scene with the prostitute, Sunny, occurs. As a result of his encounter with the prostitute, Holden isnearly killed by her pimp, Maurice, over a dispute aboutmoney. Towards the end of the rising action, Holden decidesto break into his apartment to see his sister, Phoebe. Hearrives there and they chat, but Holden is still in hissisters room when his parents get home. He eventuallyescapes through the fire escape. In this section Phoebealso learns of Holdens scheme to move away from New York.The climax of the story occurs when Holden meets hissi...

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