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The first journey for Christopher Columbus to the "New World" landed him in what we know as present day Cuba. The Spaniards' occupied the island because of the great location and marketable importance that came about in the eighteenth century. Throughout time, Cuba has been under the control of dominant countries, such as Spain and the United States. The colonization process has been the consistent factor in Latin American countries, leaving the colonized without a sense of nationality. Once a country, such as Cuba gains independence, the question is now what will we do? Usually the first form of government the country tries to establish does not last long after the colonization period. With all the problems that Cuba had, was Fidel Castro the answer? The Spanish crown ruled Cuba under the reign of Charles III until 1788. Under his rule, Cuba's economy experienced high periods of development. Cuba used coffee and tobacco as the breadwinner in the middle part of the 1800's. The crop that would make Cuba world know would be cane sugar. Lots of workers would be needed to turn out as much sugar as the country could produce. Africans were captured from their native lands and sent on boat to Cuba to be the "workers" who would chop down the sugar cane. This is probably why cane sugar from Cuba was one third of the world's total supply. United States shows an interestThe United States began to take a sudden interest in the economic affairs of Cuba. United States buyers began to purchase land in Cuba. The more the U.S. showed an interest in Cuba, the closer the relations between the two countries became. Spain did not appreciate the sudden interest that the United States had acquired in Cuba. Jose Marti is one of many rebels who fought for independence of Cuba. The Wars between the Spanish and the Cuban rebels lasted three years. The United States will not just sit back and let Spain destroy its new economic interest. T...

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