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Capital Punishment11

Each year more and more people are added to death row. The death penalty is currently the harshest form of punishment enforced in the United States. The death penalty and its methods have become a controversial issue as death row becomes very populated. Important aspects of Capital Punishment are the methods of execution, costs, and the pros and cons. The death penaltys interesting history has made it what it is today.People who are against the death penalty say that it is immoral and no person should be sentenced to death (Winter 61). It has no place in a civilized society, and since the death penalty cannot be racially biased it should be banished. But people who favor the death penalty say that the criminals deserve it, and it is the only way for justice to be served.Major costs have always been an important factor when debating capital punishment. The death penalty is more expensive than life imprisonment. Lawyers are paid an extensive amount of money to keep appealing to the courts. These appeals delay the date of procedure, costing more money for taxpayers, but if there were a limit on the number of appeals allowed, the cost of the death penalty would be greatly reduced. In the end, it would cost even less than life imprisonment. It is irreversible and can be inflicted upon people who are innocent and there is no chance to make restitution to the victim and/or the victims family. Those people, who did commit felonies, deserve to be executed, and if not for capital punishment then they would be let off without paying fully for their crime. Most of the people executed are rightfully prosecuted, and it is very unlikely to make that mistake.There have been many problems concerning capital punishment. The process of convicting a felon and sentencing them to death is very long. With the conviction and sentencing always comes appeal by the convicted. The constant appeals can lead to years in court, which costs millions of dollars. ...

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