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Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis is marijuana or any other substance derived from the hemp plant. The plant has many different uses from Hemp products to medicinal purposes. This paper will talk about the plant as a whole and its usefulness.Marijuana is a Mexican slang term from the 1930s referring to the medicine part of cannabis, which Mexican soldiers used to smoke. Nearly 70 million Americans have smoked marijuana at some time in their lives. Aside from recreational uses, the cannabis plant can be an extremely useful product. ( are several different medicinal purposes for marijuana. Uses of cannabis are appetite stimulant, alleviating nausea, relieving stress and depression, relives menstrual cramps, and is helpful in alleviating migraines. There are medical conditions for cannabis like Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, Ovarian cancer, AIDS, and Arthritis. ( 1937, marijuana was legally available as a medicine and was used as a nerve tonic. It has been written about in books of medicine by ancient scholars and wise men. It was usually used as a cure-all drug called panaceas. There are over sixty chemicals in marijuana that have chemical uses. One example, Cannabinol, can help people get to sleep. Cannabidiolic Acid, taken from premature buds, is a powerful disinfectant. ( the United States, hemp is legal to possess. Marijuana, the flowers, buds, or leaves of the cannabis plant, is not legal to possess. The seeds are only legal to possess if they are sterilized. Therefore, because you cant grow hemp without also growing marijuana, it isnt legal to grow. Its possible to get permission from the D.E.A., but this is rare. ( are many different uses for hemp. Hemp is cannabis produced containing very low levels of cannabinoids (THC) and is produced for industrial use. Many products can be mad...

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