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Intro: Computers have become a vital component of the business world. It is very difficult to imagine modern business environment without computers. Data storage, processing information, fast communication, and research resources are only the most obvious examples making computers a beneficial device for sustainable development of companies. However despite numerous advantages that the new systems bring we have to be made aware of the possible threats posing. Today I am going to talk about computer security issues.Virus can affect the system. They are pieces of codes created by hackers to create nuisances or corrupt extremely valuable data. Examples of these can be animated icons flying pass the computer screen and to another extreme can be programmes designed to delete the hard drive. The Computer Virus can be caught through a number of ways. The most highly publicised way is through the Internet, other ways are through removable storage media, such as floppy disks and zip drives. They can also be caught through computer networks, where a third party from another machine in the network introduces the virus (accidental or otherwise) which then spread throughout the network. The most unlikely way of virus contaminating the system is through malicious employees creating them on the system but this will be discussed later on. There are a number of precautions that can be taken to help prevent this. By simply making employees not to use mobile storage media unless they know where it has been, making them aware that pirated media; shareware/freeware programmes may be potentially dangerous. A talk and leaflet distribution to employees could be useful. If your computer has access to the Internet, this would be another potential source for virus and such like. A firewall could be placed on the system to help prevent infection. A more immediate way of preventing virus is to subscribe to antivirus programmes, although this will not give you 1...

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