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Business and the economy

Discuss whether firms like Rechem should be allowed to "import" chemical waste from overseas to be disposed of here in the U.K. Rechem have thirty years of experience in solving environmental problems caused by a wide range of hazardous and toxic materials. Their range of services included the following: Waste Management Logistics Incineration Project Management Recycling Environmental Monitoring (See APPENDIX A)DISCUSSIONNot all Countries in the World have the ability or the technology to safely dispose of chemical waste such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). It may be argued that it is more desirable and safer to move the waste to another country for disposal. The alternative of storing the waste for long periods of time may result in serious problems and consequently cause pollution effecting living organisms beyond the host countries borders. There has been instances where one countrys pollution problems in turn pollute neibouring countries such as Mercury used in manufacturing process eventually leaking into river systems (This happened between Canada and the United States). Another example is acid rain caused by burning fossil fuels without capturing or burning off the chemicals that cause acid rain, for example, UKs industrial plants affecting the forests of Germany and Scandinavia.Chemical pollution has no boundaries, dumping chemical in the North Sea by the northern European countries not only destroys the food chain in that area, but, with tidal and ocean currents, this pollution can affect organisms and eventually human beings on the other side of the globe.Pros:- of firms like Rechem importing & disposing chemical waste:1. Helps the environment because it discourages landfills.2. It breaks chemicals down at high temperatures not a low normal temperatures which can be dangerous.3. It can break down PCBs which are extremely dangerous.4. Brings money into the British economy.5. Supplies jobs for workers.6. Licences ...

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