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Brazil the gathering millions

Brazil, The Gathering Millions Population growth is one of the most significant global problems currently faced by humanity. About a quarter of the worlds population suffers from malnutrition, and over 10 million people die of starvation each year. This misery is concentrated in the Third World countries. Ninety percent of the worlds population growth until 2030 is projected to occur in the Third World countries. (Giddeons, 484). The gruesome film, Brazil, The Gathering Millions, illustrates the governing factors of population patterns: fertility, mortality, and migration.Migration usually has the greatest impact on the population change in small geographic areas and where there is little or no natural increase from the excess of births over deaths. Massive urban development is occurring in Third World countries. Ideally when we think of people moving we think of people responding to a life cycle change such as marriage or leaving a parental home, however people of non-industrialized societies are drawn to cities in the Third World either because their traditional systems of rural production have disintegrated or because the urban areas offer better job opportunities. Migrants crowd into squatters zones on the fringes of the city. A major factor of the demographic changeover is the fact that the majority of the population migrating is less than fifteen years old. Even though (throughout the transition) there has been a drop in the mortality rate, the birth rate remains high. This combination has produced a completely different age structure in Brazil compared to more industrialized societies. In Brazil, fifty percent of the population is less than fifteen years old. The imbalanced age distribution adds to their social and economic difficulties. The disproportionate number of young people is reason why the population will continue to grow even if the birth rate should fall.Fertility remains high in Third World societies because traditi...

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