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Brave New World6

Aldous Huxleys Brave New World was published in 1946. During this time, socialism and dictatorships were the concepts of the day. These governments believed that having total power would engender a perfect society. Karl Marx (Bernard Marx), Nikolai Lenin (Lenina), and Benito Mussolini (Benito Hoover) are three men who decided to pursue this concept. Through these examples of socialism and dictatorship, it is seen that having a government that completely controls a nation, will fail. Many of the ideas that these governments thought would contribute to its success were the cause of its failure. Although technological advances, sexual promiscuity, and conformity contribute to the success of a Utopian society, those are also the reasons for its downfall. Throughout the novel, Huxley uses Bernard Marx, a young man who has been deformed by the government, to underline the idea that a Utopian society cannot exist. The advancement in technology has enabled this Utopian Society to create human life. Although everything about the society is based on technology, it remains supervised by humans. No matter how advanced this technology may be, if humans are directing it, mistakes will be made. Hes so ugly! And then so small., They say somebody made a mistake when he was still in the bottle... and put alcohol into his blood- surrogate. Thats why hes so stunted. Bernard Marx was an example of human imperfection. Not because he was referred to as deformed, but because the person who was creating him messed up. Individuals were decanted according to specification so any deviation seemed to be the result of some mistake, a mistake made by a human. The outcome of what happened to Bernard forced him to see that this was one reason a Utopian Society could not exist. These technological advances werent advanced enough to create such a perfect society. Bernard was an example, and he was considered an outcast. Being an outcast, Bernard would ...

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