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Book Report on Apology

In the Apology, Socrates tackles his accusers against certain accusations made against him in the Court of Law of Athens, Greece. The nature of the accusation that hascaused him to stand trial is such that Socrates is an evil-doer, and a curious person, whosearches into things under the earth and in heaven, and he makes the worse appear thebetter cause; and he teaches the aforesaid doctrines to others (Plato. The Republic andother plays. pg-449. Doubleday publishing; New York- 1989). Socrates begins with firstidentifying the type of accusers he has, which consist of those who are in directcontention with him, the primary accusers, since they are the ones who contrived theaccusations. Then there are those who accuse simply because they believe in theaccusations, which in form of rumors, have been festering into their minds for so longthat no longer do they let their rationale decide the authenticity of the accusations. Thelater kind is the one Socrates feels sorry for, because they did not bother look into thenature of the accusations themselves and have blindly accepted them to be true. Thesesecondary accusers also consist of those who are holding grudges against Socrates on oldmatters. Thus the gist of Apology is the battle of good and evil, of truth and lies, whereSocrates is hoping that the people of Athens will recognize his bona fide intention to dogood.The primary accusers are namely Meletus, who has a quarrel with Socrates onbehalf of the poets; Anytus, on behalf of the craftsmen, and Lycon, on behalf of therhetoricians. Socrates does away with each of them by revealing the false nature of eachaccusation. One of the accusations is that Socrates is an evil-doer where Socrates pointsout that it is the good-doer who is rare to find just like the trainer of the horses ( He then explains that if he was corrupting others, he too would have beencorrupted long ago and there would be no good left. Also he rebuttals the ch...

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