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Birth ControlAbstinence

Reminiscing about my high school days I can remember the pressure there was to have sex. Within the male high school community, having sex was a right of passage. As we all know this attitude was very wrong. There are many issues that affect young people these days. One of these one in three sexually active people will have contracted an STD. The numbers about other birth control methods dont lie either. Eight to nine percent of adolescents used a condom always for STD prevention and seventeen percent used a condom to prevent contraception. Condoms do offer more protection against those STDs spread by fluids such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and HIV. Condoms do however offer less protection for those STDs spread by skin-to-skin contact such as Herpes and Syphilis. The use of condoms in preventing contraception and STDs is not as safe as choosing to abstain from sex altogether. By saying that you are committed to abstinence is a very big decision. Living a life of abstinence means that you will refrain from having sexual intercourse until marriage. However this does not mean that you will never have sex, it simply means that you are waiting for the one. In some relationships for abstaining teens the line is very thin. Sometimes abstaining individuals try to walk the fine line between having sex and just messing around. Actions speak louder than words. Saying you are committed to abstinence and living a life of abstinence are two different things. A person can say they are a body builder, but unless they are working out on a regular basis -- they are not a body builder. Your actions will prove whether you are committed to abstinence. Don't underestimate the human sex drive. To think you can become intimately and passionately involved with someone on a regular basis and suddenly stop just before you go all the way is like saying you can drive a car 100 miles an hour toward a cliff and slam on the brakes just before you go off ...

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