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Birht Control or Legal Murder

Birth Control or Legal Murder? Approximately 1.6 million murders are committed legally each year. Withthe exception of laws in few states, the mutilated bodies of the victims arethrown into dumpsters like pieces of rotten meat. While these victims laywaiting in the infested dumpsters to be hauled off to a landfill, themurderers are in their offices waiting for their next patient--theaccomplice to the murder. This is the murder of an innocent child by aprocedure known as abortion. Abortion stops the beating of an innocentchild's heart. People must no longer ignore the scientific evidence thatlife begins at the moment of conception. People can no longer ignore themedical and emotional problems an abortion causes women. People must stopdenying the facts about the procedure, and start hearing the silent screamsof unborn children.The argument by the pro-abortion side is that the unborn child is nottruly a child. Many people who are pro-abortion justify their beliefsthrough the concept that a fetus is only a blob of tissue until it is born,or the statement: life begins at birth. Abortion is not as simple asremoving a "blob of tissue" (as the pro-abortion activists put it) from awoman's body. Abortion is the destruction, dismembering and killing of ahuman life--an unborn baby. "But it is scientific and medical fact based onexperimental evidence, that a fetus is a living, growing, thriving humanbeing, directing his or her own development" (Fetal Development). A fetus isnot just a blob of tissue, rather a fetus is Latin for "offspring or youngone." Human life begins at fertilization, therefore it is wrong to murderthe innocent child in the womb. At a US Senate Judiciary Subcommitteemeeting, most scientists said that life begins at conception or implantationof the embryo. No scientist at the meeting claimed that life begins at birth(Factbot). Professor Hymie Gordon of the Mayo clinic stated "' . . by allcriteria of modern biology, life is prese...

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