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Being a Twin

As I walk through the crowded mall with my sister, little children stare, most adults do a discreet double take, and some bold adults question us outright. Wow, are you twins? Do you know you look the same? Whats it like to be a twin? Do you have, like, psychic powers, or something with each other? These are the most common questions twins hear. Almost all twins dont really mind them and sometimes the attention is cool. Mostly, we just smile tolerantly at each other and answer them as best we can. After all, we dont really know how to describe being a twin. We have never known anything else. Nonetheless, here we are. So, as a person who might not know exactly what she is talking about, I will try to briefly explanation to the general public the experience of being a genetic quirk.I have found that people have expectations of twins. The most common assumptions are that just because we look alike, my sister and I must have the same personality, dress the same all the time, like the same things, have the same friends, and generally be the same person. This is not necessarily true all the time. Most twins I have met, including my sister and myself, do tend have the same big circle of friends, but this is mostly due to having the same social surroundings and is not true for all pairs. Most twins also have a few close friends that are separate from their sibling. Most dont share a personality. Again, some small parts are the same, but these parts can be explained by environment. My sister and I have different interests, are involved in many different activities, and have aptitudes in many different things. For instance, she is involved very heavily in the theater and political science departments at her college, and I am involved in volunteer work wherever I can find it and the nursing department. Finally, we dont usually dress alike. We have not dressed in the same outfits every day since the age of six, when we starte...

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