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Beast and the Jungle

Compare/Contrast James style from Daisy Miller to The Beast in the Jungle Henry James early work entitled, Daisy Miller is much simpler than his late work, The Beast in the Jungle. James style became more complicated and intellectual as his talents matured; this is shown through his sentence structure and length, choice of words, and the message conveyed to the reader through the story.For example, in Daisy Miller James narrates the story in an uncomplicated, yet articulate manner, of Winterbourne and his first meeting with Daisy Miller:She talked to Winterbourne as if she had known him for a long time. He found it very pleasant. It was many years since he heard a young girl talk so much. It might have been said of this unknown young lady, who had came and sat down beside him on a bench, that she chattered. She was very quiet and she sat in a charming tranquil attitude; but her lips and her eyes were constantly moving. She had a soft, slender, agreeable voice, and her tone was decidedly sociable. She gave Winterbourne a history of her movements and intentions, and those of her mother and brother in Europe, and enumerated, in particular, the various hotels at which they had stopped.James later work, The Beast in the Jungle evolves into a complicated mastery of words with verbose sentences and strenuous meaning: These depths constantly bridged over by a structure firm enough in spite of its lightness and of its occasional oscillation in the somewhat vertiginous air, invited on occasion, in the interest of their nerves, a dropping the plummet and a measurement of the abyss. A difference had been made, moreover, once and for all, by the fact that she had all the while not appeared to feel the need of rebutting his charge of an idea within her that she didnt dare to express-a charge uttered before one of the fullest of their later discussions ended. It had come up for him then that she knew something, and that what she knew was ba...

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