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Why was the fall of Bastille a significant turning point in events of the Revolution? The fall of Bastille was very important to the Revolution because the country saw this as a new era. It started on July 11,1789 when the Minister of Finance Jacques Necker was dismissed which angered the people because he was like a hero to the people through his economic strategies. Word had spread that foreign mercenaries were about to massacre the citizens. Fear had swept through Paris resulting in loss of order. Food stores were looted; gunsmiths and army depots were ransacked for guns and ammunition for defense.On July 14, Royal Troops approached Paris. The citizens decided to fight back but they were loosing and hundreds of citizens were dying. Then the French guard joined in with cannons. The garrison surrendered on honorable terms resulting in riots of the citizens. The fall of Bastille spread throughout Europe as a new era of liberty and is still celebrated on July 14 in Europe. It was obvious the King had lost control over Paris. The National Assembly stood behind Paris and the Bourgeoisie took hold of leadership. A new city government was established along with a people's army. The National Guard had been placed under control of Lafayette.Some Aristocrats fled the country. A rumor had spread that the Aristocrats were planning to blow up the Assembly. This created "The Great Fear" in France making peasants running out landlords and destroying terriers that were legal documents that recorded feudal obligations, each peasant had. Government officials everywhere were forced to take orders from the National Assembly. The National Guard and Royal Troops became united in some places. No taxes were longer paid and the King had noticeably lost all authority and power, which he deserved. On August 4th and 5th, The National Assembly abolished hundreds of feudal laws. All tithes and manorial dues were abolished. All men were to pay ...

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