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The depressing tragedy known as Babbitt, by Lewis Sinclair, accurately portrays the convention of life in the 1920s. Sinclair precisely evokes the conformity and orthodox life styles that shaped a growing culture. Man, in the 1920s, is caught in a lifestyle where he is continually fed on what to think. Lewis cunningly explains the constraints of convention that plagued George Babbitt, and mocks society as a whole for its lack of liberal views. Babbitt throughout the novel seems to be trapped in a maze, and is told by the machine when to turn. Only when Babbitt revolts against conservative America does his life change, but the question is was it for the better?The economy is booming with success, and your wealth portrays ones position in society. George Babbitt is infatuated with having the latest gadgets and technology in his home, as is the rest of Middle-class America. Lewis portrays society as a group of self-centered people who must have the best of everything (sounds similar to our world today). Middle-class America is disturbingly the same to the last detail in the 1920s. Life begins for Babbitt waking up to an unappreciative family, and a typical fake show of affection from his wife. Babbitt realizes his life is dull and mundane. Even the kiss from his wife is typical. Babbitt, like most men in the 1920s, finds his home not as a haven but as a depressing reality of what his life has really become. Babbitt recognizes he is disgusted with his life, and that he doesnt even love his wife. Only when Babbitt escapes his home does he find satisfaction. Babbitt is found in his community as a role model of every businessmen, even the mechanic at the gas station commends him for organization. Babbitt temporarily feels relief when freedom encompasses his life, but later in the novel Babbitt illustrates that even business is shaped by society. Just as business is shaped in Zenith, so are the women who live there. Women in the novel are acc...

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