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body image

Do you look in the mirror and pick yourself apart? Do you constantly worry about what you look like? You might be thinking, Sure, no big deal. But, the way you look at yourself and how you "talk" to yourself on a daily basis can have a huge One of the largest influence on teenage girls is the media.Themedia pushes body image, clothes, and fast food. At the same time they pushweight lose with unrealistic results. The combination of all the above leads teenagegirls down the road to eating disorders and a confusing self-imageWhen you are not happy with who you are it is hard to be a good friend and a goodstudent. If your mind is on what you don't like about yourself and your body, thenyou are ignoring the good things that make you experience life positively, leavingyou with a negative view of the world. This outlook affects how you treat otherpeople, how you do in classes, and how you deal with problems on a day to daybasis. Just imagine what you are missing when you are spending all of your timethinking about how you look! There is a common problem among teenage girls eating disorders. Eatingdisorders refers to seeing your body and food in a negative way. For instance, ifyou were to eat a piece of chocolate cake, then go to the mirror and tell yourselfthat you ate more than you should have, you are looking at food in a negative way.Food keeps you alive. Without the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, yourbody won't work well. Yet many women, especially teenagers, see food as theenemy. In the process of saying that food is the enemy, the media is saying thatfast food is the quick and easy way to eat. Their target audience are teenagers. Inessence, teenagers are getting a mixed message. Eating fatty food on the run, lookgood, and the only way see how to do this is by unrealistic means. Girls are taught from a young age that the key to success is beauty. Thecommercial media, for example, pays no attention to girls' minds and life ...

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