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Atomic bombing

When asked, many people can think of an event that changed their lives instantly. For example, a near death experience may lead a person to see that life is fragile and that it should be lived to the fullest. Unfortunately, sometimes these events require the loss of innocent lives. In 1945, the United States dropped nuclear bombs on the japanese cites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor. In the years following the attack, many writings have been published in order to capture the horrid nature of this event. The two that we will look at are Hatsuyo Nakamura by John Hersey, and Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki Told by Flight Member by William Laurence. Herseys Story chronicles life after the bombing for one of the survivors while Laurence tells the story of the attack through the eyes of one of the crew members aboard one of the bomber planes. Both readings focus on the drastic events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki through the utilization of different styles while conveying two completely contrasting points of views; however, Herseys comes across more effectively in the end. One of the more apparent differences is that Herseys Hatsuyo Nakamura is written in the third person. Telling the story in the third person prevents readers from seeing things through that persons eyes. However, it gives a clearer overview of the situation as opposed to breaking down the persons every thought. In this case, we see the effects of the radation on Nakamura; described as being weak and destute in the aftermath of the bombing. She ends up living in a wooden shack for the next few years where she would begin a courageous struggle in order to keep her children and herself alive. These quotes capture the very essence of her struggle and at the same time promote a feeling of empathy for Nakamura. She continues to struggle for a long time; she justifies this with the phrase, Shikata ga-nai, meaning It cant be helped. I...

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